Woa hi


Minor, any pronouns
Excluding my youtube, my current available socials are only the listed followings:


This carrd is a WIP so it's mostly in the process of getting up to date. Social links are arranged from most to least active. Any questions or suggestions can be emailed to [email protected] or messaged privately on discord or instagram

COMMISSION INFORMATIONYou can only order commissions on my toyhou.se or discord (borderli.ne), and it's preferred you have a toyhou.se account to keep my created artworks on my toyhouse page.COMMISSIONS OPEN

Please contact me if i owe you something as im forgetful, and automatically cancel my order/art payment after 3 months. You might experience lack of communication when im owing you something as I'm generally nervous to initiate communication, though I will try my best to improve my services.If you've paid me for a comm but i never finished it, please contact me immediately for a refund. I will also offer out compensation for the wait if possible. Don't try to make up false evidence if i dont owe you anything to get free stuffs from me, i will blacklist you.

■ Chip (or chipstuff)
Reason: Trading away co owned ocs without notifying other party about change, hiding the profile of co owned ocs, overselling a character and making up excuses to justify her action, spread misinformation, and being the reason behind some closed species drama that I will not disclose further.

Reason: eh mostly personal stuffs that forever traumatized me in some way. But it's not severe or NSFW .
I will cease all communication or interactions with BLACKLISTED people.
I might still interact (minimal) with RESTRICTED people, but I advise you to keep an eye out for them.

TERMS OF SERVICEHello there! Looks like someone decided to open this section, thanks for taking your time to read it!Now before you close this section because you think it’s long, I suggest you not to skip it because it contains some important information regarding my terms of service and other stuffs to not get yourself in my blacklistFULL TERMS OF SERVICE0. You need to own a toyhou.se account in order to own my designs. In some occasions i sell my designs offsite but i will always watermark or leave my credentials on the image. Getting most of my designs on toyhou.se's database is easier for me to keep track of what I've created, and to not cause confusion between me and any impersonator if there is one. I can give you a registration code for toyhouse if you don't have an account.1. Please don’t resell my design for higher price than base value if no extra arts are added. I don't mind any type of art. Trade or gift without extra art is allowed. However, you must NOT inflate a character's price just because they have artwork added. It might be reasonable if the artwork is worth a lot on your comm sheet, but I’m not comfortable with that, sorry2. Please always keep my design heavily watermarkedYou can give the unwatermarked version to people you trust. Just heavily watermark them to the public3. Don’t heavily reference/trace/straight up copy or steal from my design. You can trace it for anatomy practice, but you must not publish that art as original work.You can colorpick my designs as long as there is no close similarities between your palette and my palettes. I rarely even make up my own palette since there’s plenty to look at online. You can reference my design and artstyle but I don't encourage or tolerate plagiarism. I don’t own colors, but I do own the copyrights to my created designs. Design theft will not be tolerated. 4. Works purchased or commissioned from me can be used for both commercial and personal use (like merch or physical items), however, it can’t be minted on any NFT minting platform. I do not approve of that use, even if you paid for the art.5. If your redesigned version of my design looks nowhere similar to the original design, you can make a separate toyhouse profile for it. However, it will have no base value (unless redesign is commissioned) and the designer will be you. I can only take credit for what I’ve created.6. You may reupload and use anything I gave you on any platform however you wish, just please credit my socials/carrd and we are all good7. Don’t steal or straight up rip off my oc’s designs8. My trade cooldown is ONE WEEK. I prefer sending out designs to people who really use them. Cooldown doesn't apply if you want to gift the character.9. Failure to validate any of the rules mentioned will result you to be given a warning or a notify from me, depends on how severe the broken term is (if you forgot to set the watermark on, I will only ask you to turn it on, but if you resell my design without any extra art added then it will result in a warning, or a restrict if the price was too high).10. Current blacklist: check the bottom of the page (blacklisted people will have limited interactions with me, please don’t hunt them down or harass them. Blacklisted names might be removed. You can trade my designs to blacklisted people but I blacklist people for severe reasons, it's best preferred that you don't do that. If you are not comfortable with people from my blacklist around, just block them.11. If you have adopted a design from me/received an artwork/commissioned an artwork, you will have full ownership over the character and the artworks. However, you must still acknowledge me as the creator/designer/artist, and I can still distribute the artwork or character image as commission examples as well as hold copyright over the design (they are still your oc).
I will not withdraw my design if you happens to own one and were put in my blacklist. You can sell/trade/gift them, but you must not remove my credit even if I’m limiting interactions with you at the moment. I have certain rules for my design and as strict as they are, they are to ensure fairness and to give proper credit when it’s due
13. If you plan to private a design i transferred to you on toyhouse, it's preferred that you keep their listing as "available to public/logged in users" but if privating is neccessary, then please add me to the authorized list so i can still view the design I created. Character profile contains information on creation date, ownership log, etc. so this is just for keeping track of my designs and to confirm that no one is breaking my tos rules.

This TOS might be altered in future updatesThank you so much for reading my full TOS, please remember to stay hydrated.

I can't believe you managed to get here.
Go on, claim your reward :D